A commitment to innovation and sustainability

Are you concerned about user complaints regarding slow downloads?

Download unlimitedly here, smoothly and effortlessly.

Ultra Large Capacity,Storage Security

A passion for creating spaces

Seaoss focuses on providing users with superior data cloud storage and cloud distribution services.

Cloud Storage

With unlimited expandable storage and support for personalization.

Cloud Acceleration

True cloud-accelerated downloads with no restrictions on downloads.

Great experience

Direct link downloads without disturbing users and saving them time.


We offer 24-hour technical support for your peace of mind.

App Access

Experience the blend of efficiency and convenience that apps offer.

Storage Security

Adoption of cloud computing and storage distribution technology ensures data security and reliability.

An array of resources

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.

Cloud Drive Features

  • Share files for login-free extraction.
  • Direct link graph bed, direct link video distribution.
  • Login-free on-demand playback of shared videos.
  • Unlimited speed and direct download for members.

Image Video Original Quality

  • High quality storage.
  • Original size backup.
  • Secure Storage.

“Seaoss has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Annie Steiner

CEO, Greenprint

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